Implant Placement / Restoration Course ECP 102 – $500

Implant Placement / Restoration Course ECP 102 – $500


Phase 2  Implant  Placement / Restoration Hands-on Course

  • 2-month online classes
  • 6 live webinars
  • 2-day workshop – Fabricating Surgical Guide, Restoration of Temporary Implant crown, Impression techniques, Developing an Emergence Profile

Training Dates

Online Class:  Feb 15th -Mar 15th 2023

TBD Kenya

TBD Ethiopia

Discounts available for Educators and Dental Students

Bank Transfer Details:

Account Name: Healing Hands Health Society
Account Number: 0803479982
Bank: Access Bank

Send Proof of Payment +234-8023229290

Click Here to Register

Pay $500

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